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What is a Parent Partnership?

Art, Heart, Smart

Artios Academies is a hybrid model that partners with parents in their children's education. From the very beginning of time, God ordained family. We focus on the family because it plays an irreplaceable role in helping to disciple children. As we understand one another and work together, the Lord can do great things in your child, your family, and the lives and families of our teachers and staff.


Our teachers provide a structure and weekly assignments for your child in the classes. As the parent(s)— you are expected to provide accountability and direction when needed at home for these classes. These activities may include reading books aloud with the student, proofreading assignments, checking their Google Classroom, etc. 


In the early elementary years (k-4th), parents assume the primary teacher role in helping students with writing, reading, and mathematics. The classroom experience will include a variety of subjects, and the teacher will offer ways to expand on what has been taught in the classroom at home. Skills must be practiced at home in order to receive mastery. There will be some required reading for classroom participation activities.


In the later elementary years (5th-6th), parents still assume the primary teacher role, partnering with the teachers for their courses. At this level, homework will be given on a weekly basis, and parents are to assist their child as needed. 


In the middle school years (7th-8th), parents start transitioning into the role of tutor/mentor, still directing the child as needed and helping them develop good study habits and organizational skills. Parents must guide their children in all classes and help them be accountable to their teachers at Artios. 


In the secondary years (9th-12th), students progress toward independence as parents spend less time in direct instruction. Parents become a coach for their children. Most of their education can be self-directed if they have good study habits and organizational skills. As a coach, you still assist them as needed, providing support and encouragement as they prepare for adulthood. This includes helping them develop a system for completing their schoolwork, balancing their social life and work life, and guiding them in their decision-making as they consider college, trade school, or other options post-high school.



©2023 by Artios Academies of West Michigan. 

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